Monday, March 29, 2010

3 and 1 month

Well we have reached some milestones in the Matthews' household! Tressa is 3 today and Isla just hit 1 month! Where does the time go? We had a big family party and it was crazy and fun! 
Isla is a good baby, sleeping most of the day and up every 2 hours at night. Hopefully that streches into 3 or 4 soon!

Tressa's beautiful cake was made by Amanda's Creative Cakes. Check out

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Isla's Arrival

Here she is, she took a long time to decide to come into this world but she made it!
Isla Sherritt Matthews was born on February 27th at 12:21am. She was 8lbs 12 oz. Now you know why I was so huge and uncomfortable.
So far she sleeps all day and is up all night but we are working on changing that.   
Big sister Tressa loves her and wants to know where she is at all times. She is adjusting to her new role as big sister from The One and Only.
We are overjoyed to welcome Isla into our lives and
hope to share with you, our friends and family, pictures of her as she grows.

My two girls!

The Canada U.S. game was stressful for even the littlest fans.

Sleeping Beauty!