Wednesday, August 29, 2007

What!?! !I'm 5 Months Today??!

It is hard to believe that 5 months have passed since we have been blessed with Tressa. So many things have happend in the last 5 months. She loves her Exersaucer and her Jolly Jumper, she loves music and is so bright and aware. It seems like only yesterday she was getting up 4 times a night...oh wait, that was yesterday!

Lady of Leisure

My Future's So Bright...

Bath Time

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Who says I don't sleep??

It has been a long time since I have had a chance to write, and a lot has happened in the last few weeks. We were in Kenora for Tressa's first formal wedding. Our friends Mike and Renee were married and it was so nice of them to be so kid friendly. Tressa was very well behaved as a thank you! We also celebrated Great-grandpa Matthews' 90th birthday and had a visit from cousin Neil from out east, the first Quinn to meet the newest edition. Our friend Shane also came for a visit from Pensacola. We are still lacking in sleep, but we are getting by!

My First Wedding


Tressa and Neil

Tressa and Shane